2024 Nagasaki Peace-preneur Forum | One Young World Japan

Nagasaki Peace-preneur Forum

Despite the advancements in science and technology, the world continues to grapple with enduring conflicts. Global challenges like climate change and infectious diseases only compound these issues. In our rapidly evolving world, the future appears increasingly uncertain. To create peace amidst these circumstances and to embrace the hope of a better tomorrow, a forum for cultivating Peace-preneur will be convened in Nagasaki, the A-bombed city of Japan.

This forum in Nagasaki, in collaboration with OYW, aims to nurture peace-preneurs, a term coined by combining the words 'peace' and 'entrepreneur'. These individuals are dedicated to launching and promoting projects and activities that foster positive global change under the theme of peace. After the Forum, we will be committed to continuing our support by assisting them in commercializing their projects, facilitating partnerships with companies,and raising funds. It is people who create peace. Why don't you join us in the movement to nurture the next generation of peace builders from the land of Nagasaki?

As a city that experienced the atomic bombing 79 years ago, Nagasaki, the host city of the Forum, has undergone rebuilding and development, with peace positioned as its foremost value.

With a rich history as a port city spanning 450 years, Nagasaki also boasts a culture that embraces diversity and creates new values. Throughout Japan's period of national isolation, Dejima stood as the sole island open to the world, playing a pivotal role in the cultural development of Japan and the world.

As the OYW Nagasaki Council, we represent a collaborative effort among industry, government and academia in Nagasaki. The forums we organize serve as catalysts for generating new ideas and fostering networks that unleash synergies that will transform the world. In order to give concrete shape to the innovative concepts born from the forum, we are committed to partnering with OYW beyond the forum to offer ongoing support to Peace-preneurs. This support includes expert mentoring, establishing connections with partner companies, and providing assistance for fundraising endeavors.

    Forum Features


    Professional development

    The Forum will be a powerful professional learning and development opportunity to learn from global leaders in business, society, and humanity. Through talk sessions, workshops, and networking, you can gain the ideas and knowledge you need to solve the social issues you care about.

    Creating a network that brings about innovation

    This forum has invited a large number of young leaders (related parties, activists, and entrepreneurs) who are active on the front lines of the topics covered. This is because this forum aims to ``give concrete form to innovation for peace,'' and meeting the participants will definitely lead to concrete action.

    Support for commercialization

    Forums are just a catalyst for creating new ideas and building networks that create synergies that change the world. We will continue to support you after the conference through expert mentoring, connections with partner companies, and support for fundraising in order to turn the new ideas generated through the forum into reality.

    Continuity with Tokyo Caucus and Montreal Summit

    We also work closely with One Young World London and Japan headquarters. The results and ideas from this conference will be carried over to the Tokyo Caucus and Montreal Summit, which will be held later in the month. Through connection with each event, you can open the circuit to One Young World's global network.



    • May 10: Pre-Opening Ceremony Reception
    • May 11: Opening / Session Day
    • May 12: Workshop Day / Closing
    • May 13: Excursion